Friday, 17 January 2014

Drag Queen Narrative

Looking through the Narratively website, I clicked on the shorts link and started browsing through the short stories, some had videos attached and some didn't. I came across this story titled 'Queens' by Anne Lagamayo, the small description above the video reads;

Sergio Conrad undergoes a transformation every night. Putting on foundation and dabbing glitter around his eyes, he becomes Digna Shei, drag queen extraordinaire, lip synching to Madonna and dancing onstage at Lotus Blue

The video is a series of images of Sergio Conrad transforming in to a drag queen ready to go on stage. The images are accompanied by a audio recording of him talking briefly about who he is and how it makes him happy. I was smiling when watching this video because he is describing why he enjoys dressing up in drag, he said once he starts his makeup he's like 'oh not again' but as he puts more makeup on the more excited he gets to go out and preform. The tone of his voice I feel was that of a happy human being who loves life and excepts himself for who he is, he says dressing up in drag is normal.. Normal is a funny word to me, what is normal? I understand that some people in this world still are very 'old fashioned' and don't understand or accept certain people because they are so different to themselves and how they see the world. I think normal is whatever you are comfortable with and what works best for you and in the end if it makes you happy, does it matter what some stranger says about you. Its a very tricky subject, but within every person whether they feel 'normal' or not they will always have a hobby or interest that they enjoy, their own life is a narrative, they might feel their story isn't that interesting and might not want to share it with anyone else, because they might not feel its important enough, but because it means something to them it is as every bit important as a worldwide news hitting story they may effective millions, the simplest stories are probably most effective because people always have common issues within every day life.

Researching this website has made me think more about what type of narrative I want to creative both in the digital and printed formats. I want to explore in to a couple of mini narratives, staged and not staged and see what I feel works best so I can come to a point where I have a solid theme to express my narrative project further.

Hollie xD

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