Since my last experiment I've been struggling on how to improve my digital piece and how to also go about making the printed publication. Just over a week ago I was experimenting in the software Audition which deals with sound. I spoke to a technician who suggested making the music sound like its coming from my phone instead of just playing whilst the journey goes on. We experimented with this idea.. unfortunately it didn't save properly so I'm going to have to do it again. He suggested I bring a couple of different other sounds within the video to improve it.. have more of a narrative. I'm not very confident with video and all that goes along with it I wanted to make it simple and not get in over my head with bigger ideas. But I am going to push myself and continue to experiment within different medias. My plan is to record different train noises such as, people talking, the movement of the train etc.. And to also record myself having a phone conversation with an old friend of mine and also record him as well. I was thinking about recording our thoughts after the conversation mine in an English language and his in Vietnamese.
Need to get started on this, hope it goes well.
Hollie xD
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